Lots of times in my life I just can't figure things out. But in the last 10 years or so, I have learned to take those times to pray and be still! God has a great race for us, we just have to be all in it for Him. That is so hard sometimes! This world tries to take over and distract us, we however, must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Otherwise we will loose Hope! Speaking of Hope! She is doing wonderful! She has had surgeries to correct her health issue and is thriving and walking now! We are so glad to be a part of her life and watch her grow. As Sponsors it just touches our hearts to see the progress he has made since arriving at AOW! What a beautiful thing God is doing in her life! We just continue to wait and Be still to see what plans He has for her! We must continue to have hope in all that we do, it is there that we find Jesus walking beside us!
Isn't she a darling?! Love this girl! |
God is up to something in my life, some recent changes remind me of that.I do not like change! It shakes me to my core! Makes me worry and fret and wonder what I could have done different to keep it from happening. There have been times though that change is good and makes me stronger. I always see that on the other side of it though. Hey I am only human! Its those tough changes that you don't ask for that just gets thrown in your lap that are hard to deal with. They make you second guess your choices and sometimes who you are. That is when I have to go back and be still and see where God is taking me. It is scary! I have been through so much in my life that change makes me uncertain and a real fear creeps in. I just have to remember God is in control, and HE has my best interest at heart. What can I do anyway that is not under His watchful eye? He loves me enough to protect me and to send people to comfort me and build me up and remind me He has this planned before time began. That is with everything, my kids, my hubby, my family, and even this adoption journey. Keeps me going back to Jeremiah 29:11! LOVE that verse!!
My hubby and I with our Son on Senior night |
God does bring me joy in the waiting! Oh how I love His joy! This past Thursday my hubby and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary! Now just a bit of background on us, we were YOUNG when we got married. I don't recommend that with everyone. But just let me remind you, God has a plan. He will fulfill that plan in spite of your circumstances. I have loved that man of mine that God gave me, every single minute I have spent with him! I cannot imagine another man more perfect that fits so well with me! We have looked back over our lives and seen times when God almost brought us together before we actually met, and it just makes us smile at His perfect timing! I bragged on my hubby in my last post so I will not do that here, but just will say, I love him with an eternal love, that I know HAS to come from God. So I am blessed and thankful that we have spent 22+ years together and God allowed us to be Man and Wife! We have great kids and we adore each other. That is such a blessing! After all this time I am still crazy and madly in love with the man I married, and I am honored that he calls me his bride!! Such JOY!!!
Blessings and ladybugs!
P.S. Promise to post about First Christmas in just a few days! So excited!!
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