Well friends, sorry its been a bit since I blogged but things are crazy around here. Feel like I have said that before, guess it goes with being a mom!
As some of you are aware I have been searching for a job for awhile. I love kids and I love just sharing and teaching them. I love to get in the floor and play with them, and hug them when they are sad. God has just given me a heart for little kids whether its at church or just taking great care of them. Guess that is why God has called us to adoption and advocating on behalf of the orphan. So my prayers have been lately on the job front, to honor Him and the gifts He has given me when it comes to a job. I put my application in at lots of places, but got nothing. I finally just picked up the phone book and started calling childcare centers. Some were taking applications, some were hiring but did not sound very happy at all. Made me think twice about going to work at a place where people seemed sad. Didn't seem like an atmosphere to spend time in. The last person I called was happy and cheerful and was hiring! They asked if I had experience and I said YES!! Then I asked when I could come in and do an application. I went the next day, and asked for an interview right there on the spot. She was excited and told me they would get back with me the beginning of the next week. I got home told my hubby it went well and we were both praying and content waiting on God to see what He would do. They called back within hours and let me know they would call my references and gave me the rundown as to the next steps. I got a little anxious late Monday night but God whispered to me, it is not today do not worry! It will be Wednesday when you go in. So I relaxed. Sure enough Tuesday midday they called and asked me to come in Wednesday for training! God is so good and so trustworthy! I am happy to say I have been happily employed for a week and a half!! I love my job! I love the kids! They are so adorable! I have a different mindset this time unlike before when I worked in childcare centers. This is not just a job, its a way to share love, Gods love, with all the kids who may not get to know His love. I look at each child as if He were looking at me asking me to love them like He does, and it really has made a HUGE difference. Thank you Father for Your blessings and provisions!
On another note I have been able to see God's goodness and faithfulness in one of my friends lives! He is really just walking with her and taking wonderful care of her. He has surrounded her with great friends and wonderful doctors and an awesome group of prayer warriors surrounding her. I am so blessed by her and blessed God has brought her in my life. I love that He is "showing off" in her life! He is so gracious!
On another note, my family and I did a walk yesterday in honor of my bro-in-law Brian who lost his battle with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) almost 2 years ago. Brian was diagnosed in his early 20's and was just days from his 30th birthday.
It was a very emotional day! We were grateful to be there and be part of something so wonderful. It was a walk to help find a cure for childhood cancer. We also lost a dear sweet little girl 10 years ago at the age of 8 to the same disease. She was a wonderful bright cheerful little girl, who was in my girl scout troop, with my daughter and her friends. I have been able to look at this disease with two different perspectives. One from a Mom's point of view for Hayley and to watch my little girl grieve through that process was one of the most heart wrenching times in my life. With Brian it was the view from a sister. My heart broke over and over and over again for my Sis-in-law and my brother and nephew. Brian was so full of life and love and was never afraid to try anything and he loved Jake as much as I do! His saying about cancer was "It is what it is" He loved his Sister so much and entrusted her to all the details of his life and she handled it with honor. So this walk was about Brian but it was also about his family and their struggles to go on without him.
. It has been tough but they have held on to his love and strength to get through this. I am extremely proud to be part of their family. It was so good to honor Brian, and to honor Hayley yesterday. The balloon release I think was the most beautiful and the most heartfelt thing I have witnessed in awhile. God was gracious and was honored yesterday and we could feel our loved ones with us. Thank you Father for being with us and taking care of them for us till we get there to be with them! We know life is hard without them but we also have faith that we will see them again. Until then there will be times when life is painful without them and then there will be times it will be joyful remembering them and all the love and joy they brought to our lives. When we share that with others we are sharing them and all the love in our hearts that we have for them. This place is not our home, we are just passing through. Lets remember to live our lives as if we are waiting on Heaven. That way God will be honored and our loved ones who have gone on before us will be remembered with love and joy! We know while we are here God has a plan for us and we need to do that plan to the best of our ability with His help and in His will. As the song they played yesterday reminded us, yes "I will remember you!" Both of you, because you have touched my life in a very special way. I will carry you with me always!!
Love and Ladybugs :)