Monday, March 12, 2012


Yes, there is that word again. Do you dread it as much as I do? There are times in life when it is necessary to wait, in order for things to be perfect (in our eyes) The waiting on an egg to boil, or your son to come out of school, or possibly that beautiful day after all the waiting that its time to give birth. Beautiful times to wait, and ponder God's purpose. Reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Places You'll Go" which by the way I give to my kids as they graduate from High School. Believe me it makes sense even then. But there is a part in that book that says "The Waiting Place..for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting." Well that is where you find me today, waiting!

My life and my role in it is every changing. SO now I am waiting on the next thing for my life. Our youngest son graduates in a few months and I find myself with more and more time on my hands. Which is good for the most part, but when you have been a mom for all of your adult life, it brings new changes and challenges. The letting go is the hardest. Accomplished with one kiddo (for the most part) working on the second one, but the last one I am just not ready yet, it has not been that long since his sister graduated and I am still trying to get use to that. Oh the changes! Good things too, like I have started exercising and eating better. I have had time to take care of myself, and God has rewarded me. I promised myself that when we do go to China, I will not be huffing and puffing as we climb The Great Wall because of my weight! Changes are hard, good and bad too. But with an almost empty house (which it will be empty within months) my heart is heavy, not only for the children moving on, but those who are not home yet.

All those years ago when God laid adoption on our hearts. I was ready to jump full force into it. Today I am sure those years have taught me things about international adoption I would never have dreamed of. The good, the beauty, and the bad, and the very sad. Has it detoured me? NOPE! Not one bit! I know God has a plan and I know that not only is He preparing us for that plan, but also the people around us, and more importantly our daughters waiting in China. We have been praying for them for so long, that we wonder if He hears our prayers. Believe me friends He does! This past week He has bombarded my heart with reminders that He has not forgotten His promise and that He WILL fulfill it! I am not in control of this even though I think I am sometimes. I am sure He just laughs His sweet laugh and just keeps on leading me. So I just leave it to the Maker of Heaven and Earth and our daughters, and His plan. We might as well follow His plan anyway right? I mean it IS the best way after all! He loves us SO much! We are His children!

So won't you pray for those children left behind in orphanages all over the world? The ones beaten and mistreated and hurt emotionally, and spiritually as well as physically from their abandonment. There are horrible things that go on in some orphanages, not ALL of them, but some. If you only knew, it would break your heart!! Pray for families trying to adopt, in what ever stage they are in, they need our prayers! It is a long road and can get lonely and sad at times. Lift them before The Father! There are over 140 million orphans in the world, go out and make a difference in the life of at least one, in what ever way that you can! If you need idea's just message me. And while we wait on God's perfect timing, will you pray for us as well? We don't know when this physical journey will begin, but we know in our hearts it began a LONG time ago! Oh how we love the children of China. Oh how they need to know that they belong to a forever family. Join me on this journey and help a family, somewhere bring their treasure's home to their forever family! A great place to begin to help is Show Hope. I have more resources and if you are thinking of adoption you can always check out our adoption agency America World they have lots of resources on their pages. Prayer is always coveted and we appreciate it more than you know. Stay tuned for our adventure and pray for something new on the horizon for me. God is moving amongst His people, don't miss what He has for you. Have a beautiful day!! Jesus LOVES you SO much!!

Blessings and Ladybugs! :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Love this song by Matthew West. Thought I would share with you. Life has been crazy will update later. Just pray for us. God is opening doors for our adoption. Here is the song

I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child :)
But you keep running, always chasing
Stop your striving for awhile
Just rest

Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest

In this lost world, there is chaos
But in My presence there is peace
So trade your troubles for a new song
Lay your burdens down at my feet
Oh and just

Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest

Just shut out the world
Be still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go

Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto me, My Child
Come unto me

Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest

Shut out the world
Be Still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go

I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child. :)

Stay tuned....

Blessings and Ladybugs!! :)