It was a very interesting couple of days to say the least! We learned a lot and left there so appreciative of all our armed forces both past and present. There were lots of statistics revealed in this memorial that were just staggering to say the least. So thank you to all those out there who have served or are serving our country. We would not be "FREE" without you and without our Jesus! We left there and decided to go down to the plaza and just walk around a bit. There was one store we wanted to show Sis, a culinary store that we KNEW she would love, and she did love it indeed. So we rounded the corner and found this, which made my heart happy and sad at the same time
This was left from the Dragon Boat Festival from the day before that got rained out, It was beautiful but made me think of our ladybug! Right smack in the middle of my birthday weekend, God Reminded me of China and our daughter. How do you deal with that when your not wanting to think about it because it is to painful at this point? Then there was this too,
All these beautiful Chinese Lanterns! and this
Again right here in the middle of the Midwest! I felt my heart flutter again for China. This looks to me to be some sort of Chinese guard. I am sure I am wrong so if someone knows what it is exactly I would LOVE to know. So for a split second we felt a family of six looking at these. Heart warming and heart wrenching. I sometimes wonder why God gives me reminders that is so painful, but then I remember how much JOY I receive as well remembering His promise. It was a good day indeed!
The next weekend was Father's day so out we went to celebrate. Bud had his special dinner and he wanted to golf. Now let me explain, my hubby is NOT a golfer so this was an interesting choice. We went to the local driving range, all of us! And spent the day out there shooting buckets of balls and he LOVED it! He was sore a bit afterwards but he LOVED it! 
Here he is with his first shot, course the kids HAD to join in!
Ernie looks like a pro, course he had some lessons from his awesome Uncle too! :)
Tommy is checking to see how far his ball actually went, hasn't had those lessons from his Uncle yet but did good none the less.
Then it was Vickie's turn, she may be coordinated with a flag in her hand but that golf club made me a wee bit nervous, the smile made up for it though, don't ya think?
She finally went "girly" on me and this is what happened! She wanted to see how far her ball would actually go in this position. I tell you I laughed SO hard at this! Her uncle would be proud LOL
It was a fun day celebrating Bud and him being a wonderful Father all these years! I love my husband very much and I could never have asked for a better Father to our children. God knows what He is doing when he matches children and parents! I truly believe that! What a blessing He is to our family and I will never be able to thank God enough for the wonderful gift of my husband! We really have raised our kids together, through everything. Diaper changes, walking, talking, running off to kindergarten, and then walking down that aisle for our first graduation. There are more wonderful memories to come honey! Thanks for walking through this journey of life with me! I love you more than words could ever say!
Just a little over a week ago was July 4th. For the nation they celebrate our freedoms, but in this family its an extra special day because a sweet little baby boy joined our family on that day 16 years ago. So not only do we celebrate America we celebrate our crazy sweet Tommy
This boy came into the world happy as can be had some special care needed for him but none the less was happy all the time
He has had us smiling from the very beginning and keeps it up every day!! He is a joy and just makes our lives better because he is in them. Can't believe our baby is 16 now! WOW
It is a an honor to be this crazy boys Mom! He really does light up the room with those giggles and laughs! We truly are blessed to have him, God saved his life when he was a little baby. Urgent surgeries had to be done immediately a few weeks after birth. We know God saved him for wonderful things, could be just to bring laughter and joy to our lives, but know this, if you don't know this boys heart, then let me let you in on a secret. He loves his family VERY much, his heart is tender for those with special needs and he LOVES the Lord very much! He is a joker and a funny guy and sometimes doesn't seem to have a serious bone in his body, lets everything roll off him. But his heart is so genuine and full of love for those he cares about and it hurts for those he has lost. And one other little secret, he loves his Mom and respects his Dad very very much!!
I know this blog has gotten long but its been kinda busy around here. Oh one more thing I HAVE to share, remember a few months ago when I said I thought God had opened a door but then He closed it? Guess how awesome our God is? That door is WIDE open for us! Swinging back and forth just waiting for us to enter. Will tell more about that later when details are worked out but just keep praying for us and what God has in store for us. He surprises us every single day! Our God is wonderful and I am still clinging to Jeremiah 29:11 oh and Proverbs 3:5-6....Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in ALL of your ways acknowledge him and HE will make YOUR path straight! Thank you Father for all your blessings and knowing the path You have for us! Praising You now for what Your doing and what Your going to do!
Blessings and Lots and lots of Ladybugs!!! :)
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