Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On a roll here, another orphan needs our help

Ok bloggy friends,
I have to share something with you. Have you ever been slapped in the face with God's prompting? Well it happened to me early this morning. Have I mentioned I am not a morning person? So up this morning getting the teenagers ready for school and I had one of our local news station turned on. I watch it every morning, so this morning was no different. You all know my heart for the orphan and how we are all called to help. So a short blip and I mean blip, (should've been WAY longer) about a family who was bringing a sweet little boy home from Guatemala. YES on the news EARLY this morning, an adoption story. In my opinion it should have been a 6 o'clock story not one hidden in the early morning hours. Anyway I am just glad it was there! No matter what time of day God was speaking to me. Not sure WHY He chose me but I was being obedient. As I heard this family's story my heart began to break. They have had some tough times through the last 3 years of their adoption and this past Friday night they were robbed. Their adoption fund, stolen right out of their home. First I cannot imagine being robbed but taking the adoption fund?! Broke my heart! It also screams Satan! Satan does not want this family moving forward but ya know what? He isn't in charge! Our God's heart is for the orphan and He will not be distracted!

So here is where you come in! This family needs our help. Their child is waiting and they are getting close to bringing him home, and their money is gone. Lets raise some money for this family! Lets watch Satan be smacked again by the loving hands of The Father. This boy needs to come home to his forever family!! Here is the link to her blog. If anyone knows how to do a donate button or a chip in button can you please let me know or let her know so we can add that to her blog? Lets bring another orphan home. What a wonderful thing to be part of God's heart for the orphan! HE can use you, won't you let Him?! Donate whatever He is calling you to, and then friends, please please cover this family in your prayers. The enemy does not want us succeeding in this and he will fire his darts at us and this family, but we have the Creator of The Universe The First and the Last, The Alpha and Omega on our side!! We know how the story ends, He wins!!! Thank you SO much my bloggy friends, these are treasures we will all store up in heaven for our Savior!!

Blessings and Ladybugs :)

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