Hi everyone, yes I am still here, that is if anyone really reads this. Who knows could be for my benefit only. Anyway. It is raining in our neck of the woods. Been praying for rain all summer, didn't know it was going to be in the form of Tropical Storm Isaac, but we will take it! Still praying for those on the gulf coast impacted by Isaac.
So on to why I'm posting. I have recently been in what you might call an identity upheaval. All my kids are graduated, school as started again and I find myself feeling empty. I am trying to do a "reset" if you will but it just gets hard some days. The older two kids I am much better with letting them go and do whatever it is kids their age do. Trust me after being in charge of their lives for 18+ years that is not an easy task. I do have faith that God holds them and guides them, but I am a worrier. God is working on me there as well. It has been a survival instinct all these years so now I am just learning to let go and just, trust. Again some days easy than others. My youngest son I am afraid gets the brunt of my worry and control issues. I just think some days he just doesn't care, when in reality it is me being afraid. How do you deal with that, you ask? Lots of prayers and identity checks! It is also hard because I do not like being alone. My husband whom I adore, has been working so much at both jobs that I rarely see him, and we hardly even sleep at the same time. Throw that in there and ya might say there are days when I am a mess!
My heart aches for my family. I truly miss them. When all you've ever know is being a mom and wife and then life changes it is hard to "SEE" who you are some days. There are stretches of time that I do not hear from anyone just to see how I am really doing. Not just the casual, "Hey, how are you?" I mean the, "I've invested in your life so I care about what you're going through." Maybe I don't show others this or maybe everyone is just so busy going on with their lives. I never knew this time would be so hard. I am just not prepared and believe me that is one thing I always try to be. I am really trying to move forward. It's just hard, and I guess if you have never been through it you aren't sure what to do, or how to help, or in my case WHO to go to for advice. Sorry if I am being "too real". I just thought maybe others feel the same way out there and they can relate.
I do know why this time of letting go of my son is so much harder than the past kids. I always had someone to give my attention too. Someone I felt needed me still. Now I know they are all able to function on their own, without me. That is a blessing for sure. There are times, however, I just want to be needed.
In the midst of all this, God often reminds me of what He has done in my life. "Remember where you've been, He reminds. Look how far I've brought you. Cling to Me. I have wonderful plans for you. I am here to hold you through the heartache when no one else has the time. I will never leave you, I promise. You are not alone in this walk, I am preparing you for SO much more. Just be still and lean in to Me. Remember how I see you, and who you are in Me." My identity in Him is so much more than I can fathom, or hope for. No one loves me like He does. There are time I just say His name and I find peace in that. Or when I am praying that soft stillness comes over me and I am reminded of His presence in me. He loves us that much! I pray you know our Jesus like I do. He is here for the taking, all you need to do is just ask. No matter what life throws at you. HE is here. I have been through some traumatic things in my life, things people should not ever have to go through. When other left me, and trust me almost everyone has left me. He remains! Thank You Father for loving me with an unconditional eternal love. You are my Rock and my Fortress. For whom shall I fear?! If You are for me, and I know You are, then who can be against me. Friends, the enemy likes to whisper into our hearts, you aren't worthy, you aren't loved, you will never be good enough, you can't do anything. Those are LIES!! Jesus loves us so much that He sacrificed all He was to bear our sins and Satan's lies, so that we can spend forever in glory with The One who loves us, thinks we are worthy, tells us we are good enough in Him, tells us we can do ALL things through Him who gives us strength. THAT is the truth my friends! So no matter what I am going through right now in this life, I know He is with me, guides me and is preparing me for so much greater. The things of this life will be gone in the blink of an eye. Make sure you are investing in people, not things. In the end people are what matter. God will get me through this and He will get you through whatever it is you are going through. Trust Him. He promises if you believe in Him, He will always be by your side. One glorious day we will stand before Him and He will tell us, "Well done, good and faithful servant, you have honored me with your life." Are you living for Jesus, or are you living for the world?" In the end He is what is left. Please choose Him! Trust me you will not regret it! He is all we need!
Thank You Father for Your sacrifice. Thank You for loving me when I am unlovable, when I am unreachable, when I am impossible. Thank You for, despite all my downfalls and bad choices in this world, that You have not left me and are still guiding me. Even if it is one step forward and two steps back, I will trust You, and remember Your promises!! I love You and will walk with You all the days of my life. I pray one day someone will say after I am gone, that my life reflected You. That is what I want my legacy to be!! Use me Father, for Your glory!
Blessings, my friends! Have a blessed day, and remember He is all we need! :)
A blog to share my faith, family and our adoption journey! Wait and SEE what God has in store for us!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
It has been awhile.
Seems I keep starting these posts with that lately. Life has been busy but it is going really well! Tommy graduated and has spent most of his summer being a high school graduate! It's refreshing! All the kids are doing well.
We have watched God do wonderful things in a dear friends life this past year and I am always in awe of how MUCH He loves us! No matter what we go through, when life is tough, He is always there! I have watched her struggle through things that I just wanted to take from her but, I knew God would use her story to bring Him glory and indeed that is what He is doing. I will ask permission from her to link her blog here so that you all may enjoy this journey He has her on. It is remarkable! Love it when He just shows up!
On my end of things, God has blessed me as well, with a great job! You know when you pray for patience? (Don't EVER do that, because He take you serious) He tends to answer that prayer. I prayed for patience last April after all the crazy job hunting. I just wanted a job that would honor Him. One that would bring me back into the business field again after being out of it for quite a few years. One that would eventually take us to China and our sweet baby girls! This time I do believe God has honored that request! Thanks to my dear friend again, I found out about the job opening. With her help and prayers and God's answer, I started the job in early June. I love it! Really! It's close to home and it's in the business world again and I have my confidence back! God is putting things in place, one step at a time, to walk us to China! (Well not really walk, we will want to fly when the time comes!)
I write this blog to remember all the things He has done along the journey. To refresh my memory when I get sad and miss our girls, somewhere, waiting, on their forever family to bring them home. Do they wonder if there will ever be someone to take them home? Do they have that longing in their heart like I do just to see their faces? I know God will one day bring us together. I have Faith!! I have Trust!! and I have Hope!!! God is in all things and does all things to bring Him glory!! Father use me to whatever extent you need that will fulfill your purpose for my family while we are here on earth. Help us to share Your love to others. If nothing else I want to be known as a person who loves Jesus with all her heart and was not afraid to share Him with others! "In God who's word I praise. In God I trust. I will not be afraid." Psalm 56:4. Use me Lord and help me to always have faith and Hope. :) Because Hope reflects belief. Hope believes in the better, in the higher, in the possibilities. Hope rejects cynicism. People with a higher level of hope believe that though events may not work out they will not be defeated. Hope is the dream of a soul awake! I am awake and I will cling to Hope!! Thank you Father for all the things you give us in this life, good and bad. I know You are in them all!! Praise Your Name!! Friends, if you have just joined us on this journey, welcome. If you have been with us all along, then just hang out. God is always up to something. Always unfolding His plans! Jeremiah 29:11!!
Lots of love and ladybugs :)
Monday, May 14, 2012
Tommy's Story Pt. 2
Tommy has always been a happy kid! Ask anyone who has EVER known him!
Tommy is also somewhat of joker. OK I am lying! He IS a joker!! The kid will pull pranks, try things that you just don't think you could dare try. He gets in the middle of everything!
He also tends to be the class clown. Which can benefit him and a few times got him into some trouble and mischief.
Another thing about Tommy is he LOVES to sleep!!! I have SO many pictures of this kid sleeping its unbelievable!
So put the class clown and the sleep thing together and you have the makings for a prank. So that you know Tommy, I am going to share a prank that got pulled on HIM because of all his silliness. His Freshman year of H.S. he was in this one class and one day he fell asleep in class. The kids knowing how much fun Tommy is decided to pull a prank on him. Oh did I mention Tommy loves to eat too?!
Tommy fell asleep with his head on his desk and his mouth open and during his sleep one of the guys in class decided to put cheez-its in his mouth. Tommy just chewed and chewed away not waking up once! This kid is a riot! A few days later in another class he fell asleep again and this time the teacher got in on the prank. The story goes, apparently Tommy was snoring in class. So as quiet as they could the whole class, teacher included got up out of their seats and left the room. Tommy woke up a bit later trying to figure out what was going on. He went to the office asked where his class was, wandered to the library but no one knew where they were. He headed back to class and their they all were sitting as quiet as can be back in the classroom. When Tommy came back in they all busted out laughing!! Normally he is the one instigating these pranks but this time, he got it pulled on him! He just laughed and HAD to come home and share it with us. Twice in a week was pretty funny!! However it did not teach him a lesson, he still occasionally falls asleep in class!
Another thing about our Tommy is he loves deep!! He loves his family and he will do whatever he can to protect them. If you ever get the privilege of this kiddo loving you, it will be for life!!
He just has this way about him. People who know him know that about him. He reels you in and then once your hooked, your hooked for life. He just steals your heart!
I do not know ANYONE who really knows him ever doubt his heart. And oh how he LOVES Jesus!! I SO love that about him, it's my favorite thing!! When he was about 6 years old in Sunday school, our dear Children's Minister Mrs. Shirley (who BTW loves him to pieces too!...still....to this day!) was teaching the books of the bible to the 1st graders. Tommy was so on the ball he just soaked it all in. Every week when asked who could recite the books up until where Mrs. Shirley taught them, the kids would raise their hand. As she added more books and it got a little harder you would see less and less hands raised, but there was Tommy's always raised and anxious to share what he knew about his Jesus. Funny thing was sometimes his excitement would over take him and he would just blurt it out. At one point Mrs. Shirley asked Tommy ever so politely, to see if they could give the other kids a chance to recite them. Tommy shouted out "Sure Mrs. Shirley!" She loved his enthusiasm. He still has that passion for Jesus only not so much in memorizing bible books but sharing Jesus love for others. There are times this kid has me on my knees constantly praying for him about whatever he is going through. So much prayer for this one, because he is a little dramatic and he tends to be in and out of trials so much. Always till the last minute then somehow God just pulls him right out of it and Tommy (&me) thank Him for it!!
I can say one of my very favorite things about Tommy is his genuineness, his love, and his hugs!!! He gives the best hugs!! And he makes you feel SO much better when you are sad! Come on friends out there who know him, y'all know this is true!! When I would cry and he was little he would take his little hands all the way up to my eyes and wipe, and wipe and wipe and wipe the tears away, completely away, till not one drop was left and I was smiling! He still does that now and then. And when he had his surgeries and I had mine right after this past year, he was never very far away asking me if I was OK. He was in no shape to help me but I knew in his heart if he could have jumped up and got me something he would have. This is one of my kids that when he hurts (which is not often at all) I hurt deeply inside of my soul! We just have this bond, unbreakable! Dare I say he is a sweet, strong, tough, man, but he is a Mama's boy to the core! He will admit that in a heart beat! He loves his Mama!! He can never be mad at me even if he tries!
Don't get me wrong my other kids love me deeply too, but it is something that Tommy is never afraid to admit! He was one when he was little if someone said something bad about his Mama he would go on the defense in an instant! He just has this pure heart!!
In a few weeks my little boy with the pure heart and the funny laugh and his silly impersonations of others, lately he has been walking around talking with a British accent that just cracks me up!!
But our sweet little boy that God saved all those sweet years ago (oh what a blessing he is to his family every SINGLE day!!
will graduate from High School!! This has been a tough thing for him. He is not the type of kid to sit in a class room, unless he is sleeping ha ha!! He would rather be out playing and learning things.
He is a hands on kind of kid. He learns in an instant that way. So any class he took hands on he did awesome in. He struggled with the the required classed, but by God's grace, Our boy will graduate!! He has 4 days of school left and next Tuesday at Senior breakfast will get his cap and gown and then Memorial weekend he will walk across that stage (and I am sure do something funny!) and get his diploma and make it official!!
This is a little insight into our boy! This boy who has become a man will one day soon go out and defend our country for our freedom.

This little boy that God saved will go put his life in harms way to protect others. Oh that is so much like our Jesus. After all he is made in HIS image!!! Thank you Father for loaning us this precious child to be our son for us to raise to love you, and in turn loves us so dearly. Words cannot express how much we adore this sweet young man!!
Leave a word of "hope" for our graduate if you would like, or a few words about him to share his heart!! Oh how we love our Tommy Tunes!! Thomas Patrick you make your family proud!!! Always love you son!!
The kid will make you SMILE! Even if you're trying not to, he brings out the best in everyone. When he started Kindergarten he kind of held back some just to see how everyone would react. It did not take him long to make friends. He has always been like that. He often reminds me of another man in my life who seems to always love adventure and makes friends easily and loves new places. Our son is a LOT like this person! And I love that about him! It brings great joy to mine and my hubby's heart that he is so much like this one we love!
Tommy is also somewhat of joker. OK I am lying! He IS a joker!! The kid will pull pranks, try things that you just don't think you could dare try. He gets in the middle of everything!
He also tends to be the class clown. Which can benefit him and a few times got him into some trouble and mischief.
Another thing about Tommy is he LOVES to sleep!!! I have SO many pictures of this kid sleeping its unbelievable!
So put the class clown and the sleep thing together and you have the makings for a prank. So that you know Tommy, I am going to share a prank that got pulled on HIM because of all his silliness. His Freshman year of H.S. he was in this one class and one day he fell asleep in class. The kids knowing how much fun Tommy is decided to pull a prank on him. Oh did I mention Tommy loves to eat too?!
Tommy fell asleep with his head on his desk and his mouth open and during his sleep one of the guys in class decided to put cheez-its in his mouth. Tommy just chewed and chewed away not waking up once! This kid is a riot! A few days later in another class he fell asleep again and this time the teacher got in on the prank. The story goes, apparently Tommy was snoring in class. So as quiet as they could the whole class, teacher included got up out of their seats and left the room. Tommy woke up a bit later trying to figure out what was going on. He went to the office asked where his class was, wandered to the library but no one knew where they were. He headed back to class and their they all were sitting as quiet as can be back in the classroom. When Tommy came back in they all busted out laughing!! Normally he is the one instigating these pranks but this time, he got it pulled on him! He just laughed and HAD to come home and share it with us. Twice in a week was pretty funny!! However it did not teach him a lesson, he still occasionally falls asleep in class!
Another thing about our Tommy is he loves deep!! He loves his family and he will do whatever he can to protect them. If you ever get the privilege of this kiddo loving you, it will be for life!!
He just has this way about him. People who know him know that about him. He reels you in and then once your hooked, your hooked for life. He just steals your heart!
I do not know ANYONE who really knows him ever doubt his heart. And oh how he LOVES Jesus!! I SO love that about him, it's my favorite thing!! When he was about 6 years old in Sunday school, our dear Children's Minister Mrs. Shirley (who BTW loves him to pieces too!...still....to this day!) was teaching the books of the bible to the 1st graders. Tommy was so on the ball he just soaked it all in. Every week when asked who could recite the books up until where Mrs. Shirley taught them, the kids would raise their hand. As she added more books and it got a little harder you would see less and less hands raised, but there was Tommy's always raised and anxious to share what he knew about his Jesus. Funny thing was sometimes his excitement would over take him and he would just blurt it out. At one point Mrs. Shirley asked Tommy ever so politely, to see if they could give the other kids a chance to recite them. Tommy shouted out "Sure Mrs. Shirley!" She loved his enthusiasm. He still has that passion for Jesus only not so much in memorizing bible books but sharing Jesus love for others. There are times this kid has me on my knees constantly praying for him about whatever he is going through. So much prayer for this one, because he is a little dramatic and he tends to be in and out of trials so much. Always till the last minute then somehow God just pulls him right out of it and Tommy (&me) thank Him for it!!
I can say one of my very favorite things about Tommy is his genuineness, his love, and his hugs!!! He gives the best hugs!! And he makes you feel SO much better when you are sad! Come on friends out there who know him, y'all know this is true!! When I would cry and he was little he would take his little hands all the way up to my eyes and wipe, and wipe and wipe and wipe the tears away, completely away, till not one drop was left and I was smiling! He still does that now and then. And when he had his surgeries and I had mine right after this past year, he was never very far away asking me if I was OK. He was in no shape to help me but I knew in his heart if he could have jumped up and got me something he would have. This is one of my kids that when he hurts (which is not often at all) I hurt deeply inside of my soul! We just have this bond, unbreakable! Dare I say he is a sweet, strong, tough, man, but he is a Mama's boy to the core! He will admit that in a heart beat! He loves his Mama!! He can never be mad at me even if he tries!
Don't get me wrong my other kids love me deeply too, but it is something that Tommy is never afraid to admit! He was one when he was little if someone said something bad about his Mama he would go on the defense in an instant! He just has this pure heart!!
In a few weeks my little boy with the pure heart and the funny laugh and his silly impersonations of others, lately he has been walking around talking with a British accent that just cracks me up!!
But our sweet little boy that God saved all those sweet years ago (oh what a blessing he is to his family every SINGLE day!!
will graduate from High School!! This has been a tough thing for him. He is not the type of kid to sit in a class room, unless he is sleeping ha ha!! He would rather be out playing and learning things.
He is a hands on kind of kid. He learns in an instant that way. So any class he took hands on he did awesome in. He struggled with the the required classed, but by God's grace, Our boy will graduate!! He has 4 days of school left and next Tuesday at Senior breakfast will get his cap and gown and then Memorial weekend he will walk across that stage (and I am sure do something funny!) and get his diploma and make it official!!
This is a little insight into our boy! This boy who has become a man will one day soon go out and defend our country for our freedom.

Love this boy!
This little boy that God saved will go put his life in harms way to protect others. Oh that is so much like our Jesus. After all he is made in HIS image!!! Thank you Father for loaning us this precious child to be our son for us to raise to love you, and in turn loves us so dearly. Words cannot express how much we adore this sweet young man!!
Leave a word of "hope" for our graduate if you would like, or a few words about him to share his heart!! Oh how we love our Tommy Tunes!! Thomas Patrick you make your family proud!!! Always love you son!!
One blessed Mama!
Thank you Lord for the blessing of this son!!
Blessings my friends!! and ladybugs :)
growing up,
Senior year,
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Graduate...Tommy's Story
Ok I know I have not updated in awhile what the family has been up to so I thought I would start with our soon to be graduate!! Wait didn't I do this last year..oh yes we did! :) So in order to catch you up I must share a little bit of back ground about our youngest child...(so far ;) )
Tommy was born July 4th 1994 a beautiful healthy baby boy 9lbs 12 oz! Or so we thought. Delivery went well the day following went well, then the doctor came in with bad news. Tommy had not had his first movement. (Sorry not trying to be graphic but this is a huge part of his story, there is more of this to follow so bear with me please?) Being a mom for the 3rd time I was not to awful concerned until the Dr explained that this was not normal and that they needed to rush him to our nearest children's hospital 45 minutes away. I panicked! My hubby had went home to pick up our other 2 kiddo's so we could take pictures and then take Tommy home. That was not in the plan. As soon as he arrived with the kids and two other family members. I had to tell them they had sent Tommy by ambulance to the children's hospital (Thank You Lord for one being so close!) We were heartbroken.
When we arrived at C*H they quickly took us up to the NICU to see our son. He was all hooked up with wires and we had to scrub up to see him. This would not be the last time that happened. We spoke with the Dr's to see what the plan would be. They said they would do a procedure and he should be fine, nothing to bad but it would cause him to be able to get the meconium out and he would be great! We were so relieved! So everything was going good after that. We took him home and he did fine for a few days then it all happened again. We went back and forth to the dr but they couldn't figure it out. So we took him back to C*H to see what they thought. They ran some tests. One for CF the other for Hirschsprungs Disease. We waited for days to get results back but no one knew anything. Meanwhile my baby boy was suffering tremendously.
After Dr regiments for moving his bowels that didn't really seem to work we were just worried. Finally through a friend and we know by God's hand we found a pediatric surgeon. We went in to the office distraught and tired and confused and explained to him the situation. He immediately got on the phone and got the test results which were inconclusive. So he scheduled the 1st surgery for Tommy. A simple same day surgery to do a more invasive test. Keep in mind he is about 6 weeks old by this time. You don't really wanna hear the word invasive when it comes to a 1 1/2 month old. It took a week to get those results back. The Dr called in the middle of the day in the middle of the week and said words I will never forget, "You need to bring him in right now for surgery! If we wait any longer he may not make it." Not to be graphic but by this time Tommy could not have a movement at all and when he did eat he would regurgitate it from his upper intestines. That day we found out Tommy indeed has Hirschsprungs Disease. It is a hereditary disorder of the intestines. I called my hubby who was at work 1 1/2 hrs away and he met us at the hospital. The surgery lasted 4 hours. Numbers I remember 4 hr surgery 7 week old, 3rd child. I did not understand why we were all going through this. IT was heart breaking sitting there waiting. They took out 8 inches of his Large Intestines and made a colostomy on the left side of his tummy, so tiny but so lifesaving! God was in the details let me tell you!!
He would require an additional surgery that lasted 5 hours to reconnect his intestines later on when he got bigger! That happened when he was 7 months old. God truly saved our sons life. There have been side effects to all this. Potty training was very hard and he has some other issues that can sometimes be funny or embarrassing. But if you know Tommy at all you know he makes those "issues" funny and just lets them roll off of him like they don't matter!
Next Post: Growing up with our Boy...now the graduate
Tommy was born July 4th 1994 a beautiful healthy baby boy 9lbs 12 oz! Or so we thought. Delivery went well the day following went well, then the doctor came in with bad news. Tommy had not had his first movement. (Sorry not trying to be graphic but this is a huge part of his story, there is more of this to follow so bear with me please?) Being a mom for the 3rd time I was not to awful concerned until the Dr explained that this was not normal and that they needed to rush him to our nearest children's hospital 45 minutes away. I panicked! My hubby had went home to pick up our other 2 kiddo's so we could take pictures and then take Tommy home. That was not in the plan. As soon as he arrived with the kids and two other family members. I had to tell them they had sent Tommy by ambulance to the children's hospital (Thank You Lord for one being so close!) We were heartbroken.
When we arrived at C*H they quickly took us up to the NICU to see our son. He was all hooked up with wires and we had to scrub up to see him. This would not be the last time that happened. We spoke with the Dr's to see what the plan would be. They said they would do a procedure and he should be fine, nothing to bad but it would cause him to be able to get the meconium out and he would be great! We were so relieved! So everything was going good after that. We took him home and he did fine for a few days then it all happened again. We went back and forth to the dr but they couldn't figure it out. So we took him back to C*H to see what they thought. They ran some tests. One for CF the other for Hirschsprungs Disease. We waited for days to get results back but no one knew anything. Meanwhile my baby boy was suffering tremendously.
After Dr regiments for moving his bowels that didn't really seem to work we were just worried. Finally through a friend and we know by God's hand we found a pediatric surgeon. We went in to the office distraught and tired and confused and explained to him the situation. He immediately got on the phone and got the test results which were inconclusive. So he scheduled the 1st surgery for Tommy. A simple same day surgery to do a more invasive test. Keep in mind he is about 6 weeks old by this time. You don't really wanna hear the word invasive when it comes to a 1 1/2 month old. It took a week to get those results back. The Dr called in the middle of the day in the middle of the week and said words I will never forget, "You need to bring him in right now for surgery! If we wait any longer he may not make it." Not to be graphic but by this time Tommy could not have a movement at all and when he did eat he would regurgitate it from his upper intestines. That day we found out Tommy indeed has Hirschsprungs Disease. It is a hereditary disorder of the intestines. I called my hubby who was at work 1 1/2 hrs away and he met us at the hospital. The surgery lasted 4 hours. Numbers I remember 4 hr surgery 7 week old, 3rd child. I did not understand why we were all going through this. IT was heart breaking sitting there waiting. They took out 8 inches of his Large Intestines and made a colostomy on the left side of his tummy, so tiny but so lifesaving! God was in the details let me tell you!!
He would require an additional surgery that lasted 5 hours to reconnect his intestines later on when he got bigger! That happened when he was 7 months old. God truly saved our sons life. There have been side effects to all this. Potty training was very hard and he has some other issues that can sometimes be funny or embarrassing. But if you know Tommy at all you know he makes those "issues" funny and just lets them roll off of him like they don't matter!
Next Post: Growing up with our Boy...now the graduate
God's plan.,
leaning on The Father,
Friday, April 27, 2012
This might be long....bear with me
For most of you that know me, know that I am a pretty much happy person. I smile a lot and I am thankful to God for all my blessings. Lately however dare I say we are going through what not is only a trial but a torrential hurricane. I can barely see my own hand in front of my own face. I feel like my joy and happiness has been swept right out from under me. I know God is in the midst of this but one thing right after the other leaves a girl weary and broken. Blogging makes me feel better and so I decided maybe that would turn my sorrow into dancing like David in Psalms. So if I rant and I offend, I apologize. If I make you smile then that's even better. I just need to get some things off my chest in a round about way. Forgive me from the start.
Ya ever have one of those things that just come up and slap you in the face and remind you of ALL the sins you have ever committed? Well first I brushed it off as digging deeper into The Word. Your bound to have a few fiery darts shot at your head right? Try my whole body is a flame, metaphorically. Its down right ridiculous. I have tried to put on my armor but I am weary and tired and weak. Scripture is running through my heart but fear is running through my head.
I have plenty of obstacles in my life as I am sure most of you do. So why is it the people who are suppose to encourage us, have us under a microscope? They are watching our every fault and reminding us how much we fail at everything. These lies began to run through your head. You know the ones, the ones you repented of. Why as humans do we have to sit back and judge people? This makes my heart hurt thinking about it. Our words can hurt and they can help. Now for me growing up I did not have much encouragement. I was always told when I did something wrong but never encouraged when I did something right. So this leads me to deal with two issues. One I want to please everyone all the time, (which I know is totally impossible!) and two I have low self esteem issues. I have become more aware of these recently when trying to work through some things. I look back at compliments I have been given and some people can be so sweet. Some I just cling too, others I can hardly believe that they are talking about me. The kind and tender words are just hard to take in. I love to sing and I remember a few times as a kid someone complimenting my singing voice. I have always sung at home but never ever in public. So one day my aunt was over and I was singing a song we had learned in school and she said to me. "You have such a pretty voice." I am not sure why, but that stuck with me. Another time I was in the car with my brother in my early 20's going down the road singing a song on the radio and he said to me. "Wow Sis, that sounded really good the way you were singing that." Again it sticks with me. Do I have a great voice? No I know that. But do I love to sing? YES! See words can be building blocks for other things. Now I sing in our choir at church, and I LOVE it! Do I need a solo, nah! But if God ever called me to stand up there and sing by myself with all my might praising Him, you bet I would do it in a heart beat, scared out of my mind but I would do it! I would have the courage because of Him and because a few people said some nice things to me. And if you think I stink at singing, please I beg you, please do NOT tell me so. I may never sing again if you do. Thank you! :)
We also know words can hurt, deeply! Those are harder to get past. Why can't people just see the good in people? This reminds me of the book of James, where he talks about our tongues and compares them to rudders in a ship. I always have told my kids "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And "Your words are like a tube of toothpaste, once you say them you cannot take them back. So make sure they are kind. NO amount of apologizing can completely take the sting out of hurtful words." So again why do people think it is OK to just say whatever they want without thinking about their words? I have had to distance myself from people who are continually hurtful with their words, the sad thing about it all is they think they know me. If they knew me they would know that those words are like bricks thrown at my heart. I am very tender hearted. People have told me to toughen up, but then I realize that is the way God wired me and I am not suppose to change that just because it makes people uncomfortable. Sorry! It is not a sin to be kind hearted and tender hearted to people. God tells us to do that and to forgive one another in love. SO people who continually hurt me then wonder why we aren't close, that is why I have distanced myself. My tender heart just cannot take any more beatings. I am trying to walk away from the sting of my childhoods painful memories, people throwing boulders at me does not help. My husband always says, its their loss if they don't take the time to get to know the real you. God has a great plan for your life and they could have been part of it if they would have been kind and loving. They are missing out. (I do have a wonderful husband! Thank You Jesus!)
So thank you to those of you who are always kind to me and my family and do not stand back and judge us for our faults. We have tons of them, and not to be mean but so do you. We are not perfect we are all sinners, that is why we need Jesus! I need to worry about the plank in my own eye before I worry about the speck in someone elses eye. Please extend me the same courtesy. God loves me right where I am and I am convinced that He who began a good work in me will carry it out to completion in Christ Jesus. SO stand back and watch God make me New in Him. I am not defined by my sins or the amount of money we have or where we live or what job we have. I am a child of The Living God and I will allow Him to change me and His word to guide me in my life. I am who God says I am. I can do what God says I can do. I can do all things through Christ. I am Believing God! I am a child of God, please treat me like it! Love me like He does, forgive me like He does, and help me to be more like Him. I in turn will do the same for you! Pray for our family as we are going through this Hurricane of trials! We are trusting God, because He sees the other side. He is who we cling to because He is the only One who loves us unconditionally despite our sins, that is why we have The Cross! Thank you Jesus for loving us like no one else! I Choose Jesus, I choose Jesus, because He first chose me. I choose Jesus I choose Jesus, for now and eternity!! Forgive me if I have offended anyone. I just needed to share how tender my heart is and how words can hurt. I have not tried to hurt anyone on purpose. Please extend me grace. I promise to do the same for you.
Blessings and still my sweet ladybugs! :)
Ya ever have one of those things that just come up and slap you in the face and remind you of ALL the sins you have ever committed? Well first I brushed it off as digging deeper into The Word. Your bound to have a few fiery darts shot at your head right? Try my whole body is a flame, metaphorically. Its down right ridiculous. I have tried to put on my armor but I am weary and tired and weak. Scripture is running through my heart but fear is running through my head.
I have plenty of obstacles in my life as I am sure most of you do. So why is it the people who are suppose to encourage us, have us under a microscope? They are watching our every fault and reminding us how much we fail at everything. These lies began to run through your head. You know the ones, the ones you repented of. Why as humans do we have to sit back and judge people? This makes my heart hurt thinking about it. Our words can hurt and they can help. Now for me growing up I did not have much encouragement. I was always told when I did something wrong but never encouraged when I did something right. So this leads me to deal with two issues. One I want to please everyone all the time, (which I know is totally impossible!) and two I have low self esteem issues. I have become more aware of these recently when trying to work through some things. I look back at compliments I have been given and some people can be so sweet. Some I just cling too, others I can hardly believe that they are talking about me. The kind and tender words are just hard to take in. I love to sing and I remember a few times as a kid someone complimenting my singing voice. I have always sung at home but never ever in public. So one day my aunt was over and I was singing a song we had learned in school and she said to me. "You have such a pretty voice." I am not sure why, but that stuck with me. Another time I was in the car with my brother in my early 20's going down the road singing a song on the radio and he said to me. "Wow Sis, that sounded really good the way you were singing that." Again it sticks with me. Do I have a great voice? No I know that. But do I love to sing? YES! See words can be building blocks for other things. Now I sing in our choir at church, and I LOVE it! Do I need a solo, nah! But if God ever called me to stand up there and sing by myself with all my might praising Him, you bet I would do it in a heart beat, scared out of my mind but I would do it! I would have the courage because of Him and because a few people said some nice things to me. And if you think I stink at singing, please I beg you, please do NOT tell me so. I may never sing again if you do. Thank you! :)
We also know words can hurt, deeply! Those are harder to get past. Why can't people just see the good in people? This reminds me of the book of James, where he talks about our tongues and compares them to rudders in a ship. I always have told my kids "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And "Your words are like a tube of toothpaste, once you say them you cannot take them back. So make sure they are kind. NO amount of apologizing can completely take the sting out of hurtful words." So again why do people think it is OK to just say whatever they want without thinking about their words? I have had to distance myself from people who are continually hurtful with their words, the sad thing about it all is they think they know me. If they knew me they would know that those words are like bricks thrown at my heart. I am very tender hearted. People have told me to toughen up, but then I realize that is the way God wired me and I am not suppose to change that just because it makes people uncomfortable. Sorry! It is not a sin to be kind hearted and tender hearted to people. God tells us to do that and to forgive one another in love. SO people who continually hurt me then wonder why we aren't close, that is why I have distanced myself. My tender heart just cannot take any more beatings. I am trying to walk away from the sting of my childhoods painful memories, people throwing boulders at me does not help. My husband always says, its their loss if they don't take the time to get to know the real you. God has a great plan for your life and they could have been part of it if they would have been kind and loving. They are missing out. (I do have a wonderful husband! Thank You Jesus!)
So thank you to those of you who are always kind to me and my family and do not stand back and judge us for our faults. We have tons of them, and not to be mean but so do you. We are not perfect we are all sinners, that is why we need Jesus! I need to worry about the plank in my own eye before I worry about the speck in someone elses eye. Please extend me the same courtesy. God loves me right where I am and I am convinced that He who began a good work in me will carry it out to completion in Christ Jesus. SO stand back and watch God make me New in Him. I am not defined by my sins or the amount of money we have or where we live or what job we have. I am a child of The Living God and I will allow Him to change me and His word to guide me in my life. I am who God says I am. I can do what God says I can do. I can do all things through Christ. I am Believing God! I am a child of God, please treat me like it! Love me like He does, forgive me like He does, and help me to be more like Him. I in turn will do the same for you! Pray for our family as we are going through this Hurricane of trials! We are trusting God, because He sees the other side. He is who we cling to because He is the only One who loves us unconditionally despite our sins, that is why we have The Cross! Thank you Jesus for loving us like no one else! I Choose Jesus, I choose Jesus, because He first chose me. I choose Jesus I choose Jesus, for now and eternity!! Forgive me if I have offended anyone. I just needed to share how tender my heart is and how words can hurt. I have not tried to hurt anyone on purpose. Please extend me grace. I promise to do the same for you.
Blessings and still my sweet ladybugs! :)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Yes, there is that word again. Do you dread it as much as I do? There are times in life when it is necessary to wait, in order for things to be perfect (in our eyes) The waiting on an egg to boil, or your son to come out of school, or possibly that beautiful day after all the waiting that its time to give birth. Beautiful times to wait, and ponder God's purpose. Reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book "Oh The Places You'll Go" which by the way I give to my kids as they graduate from High School. Believe me it makes sense even then. But there is a part in that book that says "The Waiting Place..for people just waiting. Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting." Well that is where you find me today, waiting!
My life and my role in it is every changing. SO now I am waiting on the next thing for my life. Our youngest son graduates in a few months and I find myself with more and more time on my hands. Which is good for the most part, but when you have been a mom for all of your adult life, it brings new changes and challenges. The letting go is the hardest. Accomplished with one kiddo (for the most part) working on the second one, but the last one I am just not ready yet, it has not been that long since his sister graduated and I am still trying to get use to that. Oh the changes! Good things too, like I have started exercising and eating better. I have had time to take care of myself, and God has rewarded me. I promised myself that when we do go to China, I will not be huffing and puffing as we climb The Great Wall because of my weight! Changes are hard, good and bad too. But with an almost empty house (which it will be empty within months) my heart is heavy, not only for the children moving on, but those who are not home yet.
All those years ago when God laid adoption on our hearts. I was ready to jump full force into it. Today I am sure those years have taught me things about international adoption I would never have dreamed of. The good, the beauty, and the bad, and the very sad. Has it detoured me? NOPE! Not one bit! I know God has a plan and I know that not only is He preparing us for that plan, but also the people around us, and more importantly our daughters waiting in China. We have been praying for them for so long, that we wonder if He hears our prayers. Believe me friends He does! This past week He has bombarded my heart with reminders that He has not forgotten His promise and that He WILL fulfill it! I am not in control of this even though I think I am sometimes. I am sure He just laughs His sweet laugh and just keeps on leading me. So I just leave it to the Maker of Heaven and Earth and our daughters, and His plan. We might as well follow His plan anyway right? I mean it IS the best way after all! He loves us SO much! We are His children!
So won't you pray for those children left behind in orphanages all over the world? The ones beaten and mistreated and hurt emotionally, and spiritually as well as physically from their abandonment. There are horrible things that go on in some orphanages, not ALL of them, but some. If you only knew, it would break your heart!! Pray for families trying to adopt, in what ever stage they are in, they need our prayers! It is a long road and can get lonely and sad at times. Lift them before The Father! There are over 140 million orphans in the world, go out and make a difference in the life of at least one, in what ever way that you can! If you need idea's just message me. And while we wait on God's perfect timing, will you pray for us as well? We don't know when this physical journey will begin, but we know in our hearts it began a LONG time ago! Oh how we love the children of China. Oh how they need to know that they belong to a forever family. Join me on this journey and help a family, somewhere bring their treasure's home to their forever family! A great place to begin to help is Show Hope. I have more resources and if you are thinking of adoption you can always check out our adoption agency America World they have lots of resources on their pages. Prayer is always coveted and we appreciate it more than you know. Stay tuned for our adventure and pray for something new on the horizon for me. God is moving amongst His people, don't miss what He has for you. Have a beautiful day!! Jesus LOVES you SO much!!
Blessings and Ladybugs! :)
My life and my role in it is every changing. SO now I am waiting on the next thing for my life. Our youngest son graduates in a few months and I find myself with more and more time on my hands. Which is good for the most part, but when you have been a mom for all of your adult life, it brings new changes and challenges. The letting go is the hardest. Accomplished with one kiddo (for the most part) working on the second one, but the last one I am just not ready yet, it has not been that long since his sister graduated and I am still trying to get use to that. Oh the changes! Good things too, like I have started exercising and eating better. I have had time to take care of myself, and God has rewarded me. I promised myself that when we do go to China, I will not be huffing and puffing as we climb The Great Wall because of my weight! Changes are hard, good and bad too. But with an almost empty house (which it will be empty within months) my heart is heavy, not only for the children moving on, but those who are not home yet.
All those years ago when God laid adoption on our hearts. I was ready to jump full force into it. Today I am sure those years have taught me things about international adoption I would never have dreamed of. The good, the beauty, and the bad, and the very sad. Has it detoured me? NOPE! Not one bit! I know God has a plan and I know that not only is He preparing us for that plan, but also the people around us, and more importantly our daughters waiting in China. We have been praying for them for so long, that we wonder if He hears our prayers. Believe me friends He does! This past week He has bombarded my heart with reminders that He has not forgotten His promise and that He WILL fulfill it! I am not in control of this even though I think I am sometimes. I am sure He just laughs His sweet laugh and just keeps on leading me. So I just leave it to the Maker of Heaven and Earth and our daughters, and His plan. We might as well follow His plan anyway right? I mean it IS the best way after all! He loves us SO much! We are His children!
So won't you pray for those children left behind in orphanages all over the world? The ones beaten and mistreated and hurt emotionally, and spiritually as well as physically from their abandonment. There are horrible things that go on in some orphanages, not ALL of them, but some. If you only knew, it would break your heart!! Pray for families trying to adopt, in what ever stage they are in, they need our prayers! It is a long road and can get lonely and sad at times. Lift them before The Father! There are over 140 million orphans in the world, go out and make a difference in the life of at least one, in what ever way that you can! If you need idea's just message me. And while we wait on God's perfect timing, will you pray for us as well? We don't know when this physical journey will begin, but we know in our hearts it began a LONG time ago! Oh how we love the children of China. Oh how they need to know that they belong to a forever family. Join me on this journey and help a family, somewhere bring their treasure's home to their forever family! A great place to begin to help is Show Hope. I have more resources and if you are thinking of adoption you can always check out our adoption agency America World they have lots of resources on their pages. Prayer is always coveted and we appreciate it more than you know. Stay tuned for our adventure and pray for something new on the horizon for me. God is moving amongst His people, don't miss what He has for you. Have a beautiful day!! Jesus LOVES you SO much!!
Blessings and Ladybugs! :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Love this song by Matthew West. Thought I would share with you. Life has been crazy will update later. Just pray for us. God is opening doors for our adoption. Here is the song
I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child :)
But you keep running, always chasing
Stop your striving for awhile
Just rest
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
In this lost world, there is chaos
But in My presence there is peace
So trade your troubles for a new song
Lay your burdens down at my feet
Oh and just
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Just shut out the world
Be still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto me, My Child
Come unto me
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Shut out the world
Be Still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go
I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child. :)
Stay tuned....
Blessings and Ladybugs!! :)
I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child :)
But you keep running, always chasing
Stop your striving for awhile
Just rest
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
In this lost world, there is chaos
But in My presence there is peace
So trade your troubles for a new song
Lay your burdens down at my feet
Oh and just
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto Me, all who are weary and find
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Just shut out the world
Be still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go
Rest in My love, in My arms
Won't you rest here in the hands
That are holding your heart
Come unto me, My Child
Come unto me
Rest in the light of My grace
You can rest here while I put
All your pieces back in place
Just come unto Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Shut out the world
Be Still and know
That I am your God
And I won't let you go
I am calling, are you listening?
I am waiting for my child. :)
Stay tuned....
Blessings and Ladybugs!! :)
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